GNSS:Global Navigation Satellite Systems [Hofmann-Wellenhof, 2008] (softcover)

GNSS is the extension of the best selling "GPS-Theory and Practice" to the variety of global navigation satellite systems. In addition to GPS, it covers Russian GLONASS, the European Galileo, and other systems. The book refers to GNSS in the generic sense to describe the various existing reference systems for coordinates and time, the satellite orbits, the satellite signals, observables, and mathematical models for positioning, data processing and data transformation. Contents Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Reference Systems Ch. 3: Satellite Orbits Ch. 4: Satellite Signals Ch. 5: Observables Ch. 6: Mathematical Models for Positioning Ch. 7: Data Processing Ch. 8: Data Transformation Ch. 9: GPS Ch. 10: GLONASS Ch. 11: Galileo Ch. 12: More on GNSS Ch. 13: Applications Ch. 14: Conclusion and Outlook

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  GNSS:Global Navigation Satellite Systems [Hofmann-Wellenhof, 2008] (softcover) - 


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